Reliable IT, managed print and office technology services from a local company you can trust.
Partnered with Sendmarc, we rate your exposure to fraudulent email activities such as impersonation, phishing and spoofing, and the risk your domain has on your company's cybersecurity.
Our mission is simple: ensure all of your office technologies are running optimally and protected from breakdowns and outside threats.
We work with world class suppliers to ensure our clients in rural Manitoba are connected in the office, at home, on the road and around the world.
We offer a predictable fixed-fee service that prevents cyberattacks, trains your staff to mitigate breaches, ensures vital software systems are kept up to date and operating smoothly.
Our expert consultants can proactively help you and your organization manage and analyse your data and information to produce actionable results that drive profitability.
Our mission is simple: ensure all of your office technologies are running optimally and protected from breakdowns and outside threats.
We offer a predictable fixed-fee service that prevents cyberattacks, trains your staff to mitigate breaches, ensures vital software systems are kept up to date and operating smoothly.
Our expert consultants can proactively help you and your organization manage and analyze your data and information to produce actionable results that drive profitability.
We work with world-class suppliers to ensure our clients in rural Manitoba are connected in the office, at home, on the road and around the world.
If you need to buy Xerox machines or IT, call Kelty. I like to stay local. I gotta say, Kelty has looked after me and my business. They’re relaxed, innovative and cooperative - they’re willing to work together to find a solution - they’re here for us.
Kelty is always friendly and happy to help when we have an issue. And the services they provide have accomplished some strategic goals we had. Our assets are monitored and managed in a way that keeps our information flowing and safe. Software is updated automatically and our technology and information is protected.
Kelty is a detailed, friendly group of people that work hard to make IT solutions match your needs. They have a solid offering and are always looking for ways to improve and deliver new products to help our business.